_Various running stories, especially those funny ones, are really enjoyed by many people because they actually happened in real situations. During running competitions, various unusual things like an attack of birds and goats and verbal abuse from one runner to another really happened to a runner named, “Bigeasy.”

Another funny running story experienced by Ryan Chung, a 13-year old runner, was during his participation in the 1000m running event. An old participant in the competition sarcastically said, “Run, Forest, run!” because he was already behind Ryan. Ryan just kept on running when suddenly, a few minutes later, he realised that the old man had stumbled and fallen!

A story shared by “ahabchaser” is also a humorous one that occurred in Hong Kong (HK). According to this runner, he was running along with his five-month old son in HK when suddenly he encountered different types of wild animals, including a cobra, banana spider and monkeys. Numerous other locals in Hong Kong, witnessing her super fast running to avoid those animals, laughed, and one woman even scolded her for pushing her baby so fast!

“Kimmi” has an interesting and funny idea about running, which is about running shoes and how people run in them. This runner focuses on the shoes of his opponents during competitions and found that the most common shoes used are those with heavy features, including basketball trainers and cross trainers!

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